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Dupes gehören ins Log!

Verfasst: Do 24. Jul 2008, 17:01
von dl3td
Hi Contester,
da es regelmäßig Fragen gibt, wie man im Contestlog mit Dupes
verfahren soll, möchte ich Euch die Ausführungen von N6TR im
letzten ARRL Contest Update nicht vorenthalten:

"A question was posed about what happens to duplicate contacts during log checking. Tree N6TR, who log checks for several contests, provided this example of what happens if:

1. W7AA calls CQ

2. W7BB answers but logs the call as W7AAA.

Does W7AA get credit for the contact? Does W7BB get a NIL (Not In Log) for logging the wrong call? The call W7AAA should be identified as a busted call in W7BB's log when doing the cross-check from the W7AA log against the W7BB log. Where the cross-check expected to find W7AA - it finds W7AAA around the same time. This will count as a verified QSO for W7AA and a busted call for W7BB.

Then later:

1. W7AA calls CQ again

2. W7BB makes a duplicate contact, logging the call correctly

Who gets credit for this QSO? W7AA will have a dupe with W7BB in the log and the QSO won't be checked. In W7BB's log - the QSO will count. It isn't a dupe and it matches up to W7AA's log. If W7AA removed the second, duplicate QSO, then W7BB would likely end up with a NIL. When the first QSO doesn't appear in one of the log, the log-checking program will try to match up the second QSOs and count the first one as the dupe. This illustrates why you should leave duplicate contacts in your electronic log."

Das dürfte auch für Contestsoftwarehersteller interessant sein, denn
im letzten Jahr gab es in DL mindestens noch einen, der die Eingabe
doppelter QSOs gar nicht zuliess. Ich denke, das Beispiel zeigt ganz
offensichtlich, dass und warum Dupes ins Log gehören.
73 Lothar, DL3TD